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Our Expert Essay Writers Are Ready for Your Orders

Our essay writers are the best when it comes to custom essay writing services. We have a professional team that takes your writing needs to consideration and help you to submit a high quality plagiarism free paper at your school. We act professionally and our essay writing rates are affordable and low compared with others. In addition, you can enjoy great discounts when you make orders on our website. There is no risk in trying an essay writer from us; we offer money-back guarantee to all our customers and refund all cash in case you are not satisfied with any our services.

Don’t be overwhelmed by assignments

As a student, time is money and your assignments should not take too much of your time. In fact, completing all the essays needed in your school would mean working like a machine. We understand that you only need the proper guideline to create and submit your essays. This is why we have the best essay writers that make our professional team while showing you how to do it. Submit your essay order and we will show you how to conduct research, compile facts and arrange your essays in an acceptable manner to pass with high grades. You need a rest!

We have a goal to help students

We receive thousands of requests from students each day to do their essays. We serve the whole world and you can reach an essay writer of your choice via our portal. We can virtually handle any volume of work irrespective of the type of paper and discipline – thanks to our team of MA and PhD holders. We are special because we have received lots of endorsement from reputable colleges. Also, our essay writers are highly experienced because they have managed to structure and have earned great honor after submitting thousands of papers in a timely manner to students.

We are capable of creating custom content

Irrespective of your writing needs, we are here to help. We accept custom writing assignments that need special attention. Depending on your needs, we may add a personal touch and even phone you to get more details about how you would like your paper to be done. At the end, we are able to offer great instructions and meet your personal requirements. If your professor/lecturer is looking for a flawless paper with no grammatical errors or signs of plagiarism, you need our services to pass his/her tests. Contact us and impress them to get those higher grades!

We don’t comprise quality

Our team of professionals can handle rush orders with tight deadlines. When submitting your orders, you need to set a deadline and we will try to do our best to match the best essay writer who can complete your assignments on time. This does not mean comprising quality of work. We have enough professionals who can even handle thousands of pages in 24 hours. Put our essay writers under test and be assured of high quality essays that meet your deadline. We are the king in the writing industry and our customers are very happy. We only promise the best and have good prices – try us today for your assignments!


The more formats you can offer your book in the better as each one represents an additional revenue stream.  In spite of this, many authors fight shy of audio thinking it is a difficult and time consuming exercise.

Surprisingly it isn’t as complex as you would think and once you have done one, it gets progressively easier.  I produced an audio book of one of my longish short stories which as it was written in dialect, suited the audio format well.

Audio files take the form of several formats with MP3 being the most commonly used and the one I chose for my story.  This is a very basic tutorial which explains what is need and how to set up the recording equipment.

You will need:

1. Suitable software

2. A computer to run it

3. A microphone to record


Lots of this available but I to used Audacity. This is an excellent programme which is easy to use and gives very good results. It is also free!

Make sure that you download the correct version for your computer set up. In most cases it will be Windows or Mac.

Very important! To create MP3 files with Audacity you must also download and install the LAME MP3 encoder. You will see the download link for it on the same page as the Audacity download.


This is the download page.  You need to look for the Audacity installer which suits your operating system. It is an executable file. Just click it and follow the onscreen instructions. (Dead easy!)

Lame Mp3 Encoder

You also need to install the Lame Mp3 encoder.  The link is on the download page along with other plugins you might like to add, but are not necessary for the purpose of this tutorial.


You will need a microphone to record your voice. You can pay all kinds of prices but there is no need to splash out on a really expensive model, but it is worth noting that sound quality tends to improve in proportion to price! A unidirectional, dynamic-type microphone is a good option to start with.

Ebay lists microphones at all prices and specifications. Just ensure that you select one that works with your PC or Mac!

When you are ready to record, plug your microphone into your soundcard's mike input. Where you find this will vary depending on your computer spec. On mine it is a little pink socket at the rear of my computer.

Launch Windows's Volume Control. You may see the icon, it looks like a loud hailer in the bottom right hand corner of your desk top. If not:

Click: Start

Navigate to: Programs|Accessories|Entertainment|Volume Control

On Volume Control in the upper left hand corner Click: Options and highlight Properties

Select: Recording

Press: OK

Make sure you put a check in the Select box under where it says MIC

The Volume switch can be adjusted using the slider control as you begin to do your recording.

Open Audacity and select New from the File menu.

From the Edit menu select Preferences/Quality

Ensure the bit rate is 32 bit and sample rate is 44100

From Edit menu select Preferences/Audio I/O

Ensure Channels is set to stereo.

Click the Red record button at the top of the task pane and begin speaking.

You can use the other buttons to pause and stop.

You can explore the other menu options to play around with your recording, but for now save your work to an easily remembered place on your computer.

The file will be saved in Audacity’s own file format which is .aup This file can only be read by Audacity. To play it on the web or any other device you need to convert it to a compatible format.

Provided you installed the LAME MP3 encoder correctly you will be able to export a copy of the file as an MP3 or other audio format.

Click File and select Export.

Select MP3 from the options and save.

5 Ways To Make Ebook Writing Easy

It can be frustrating writing an ebook. Maybe you aren’t a pro with words, or you just find the task of writing annoying. Perhaps you aren’t sure what to write about, or you just cannot find the time and place to do the work. In any case, the following tips will help you to make your ebook writing easier and more enjoyable!

Ebook writing tip one: Make time!

When you have your own business from home, it can be difficult to plan sufficiently. While it is nice to be able to set your own hours, way too often people end up putting off their own work, which ends up hurting them in the end. Whether you have another job, kids to deal with, or just have a habit of being distracted often, you need to learn to make a work schedule and stick to it.

Ebook writing tip two: Make a space!

Almost as important as making time for ebook writing is making space for ebook writing. This space needs to be a place away from any sort of distractions, whether it is a specific office room that you will be only using for work, or simply a corner of the spare bedroom. The key is, it needs to be away from things that draw your attention. For most people, the television is very tempting, so this should be in a separate room. If you have roommates or kids, make sure it is in an area where they know not to go so that you can maintain quiet and concentration. Whatever distractions are in your place of residence, make sure your place of ebook writing is not around them.

Ebook writing tip three: Write about what you know!

When it comes to ebook writing topics, you should keep in mind what sorts of things you enjoy or would like to write about. Believe me, the process is much quicker and more fun when you know what you are talking about. Also, it will keep your interest and you will be less likely to want to take breaks. Since you already know so much, it will save you time in research and you will be able to help someone more than if you were writing about something you had no clue about. So whether you are a comic book buff or a horse lover, choose something that will keep your interest!

Ebook writing tip four: Keep it light!

It is important that you cover the essential information of your topic. Remember, however, that this is something people who have no clue about this topic are going to read. Provide detail, but do not make it long and boring. You want to keep your readers’ interest by providing interesting examples or illustrations of your ideas, or fun stories relating to the information. If you just write fact after fact after fact with little personality, you will lose their interest and lose a potential future customer.

Ebook writing tip five: Use spell check!

There is nothing worse than having to find all your grammar mistakes yourself. Most word processor programs have spell check. Make sure you have this feature and that it is on. This will save you a lot of work!

How To Write A Resume

The first step in learning how to write a resume is to view examples of resumes. These can be found in many places. One will want to also take notes on important points that should be included in the resume. After viewing samples, draw up an outline of what you will and will not include in the resume. The next step is to draw up a rough draft and review it, then make any necessary corrections and do a final type up.

How To Write A Resume

When seeking out resumes as examples make sure that they are similar to the types of jobs that will be sought out. For obvious reasons if one is looking to get into finance or banking, looking at resumes that target work in restaurants or ranches will not have the same type of format. The viewing of resumes can be done at your local library or online. Many job services also offer the ability to view resumes that were successful in job searches.

While viewing resumes in order to get a feel for how to write a resume makes sure to note the important points of the examples. One will want to include a mission statement, experience, education, club or special memberships, and salary requirements. While many people tend to embellish their resumes, it is not highly suggested. Using colorful descriptive words are ok, and being wordy is annoying but acceptable. Although making things up to put on the resume will only convey that you cannot be trusted.

Draw up an outline to get a rough idea as to how your resume will be collaborated. Writing an effective, honest outline will make the process of how to write a resume much easier. In this way the individual will also have the ability to look over their thoughts and move things around until they feel comfortable with the presentation and contents of the resume.

Now it is time to start typing up the resume. Make sure to follow your outline and keep things on the up and up. Add descriptive words to keep the outlook of the resume cheerful and in a positive light. You want to get hired not be so brutally honest no one will even give you a call back. When learning how to write a resume one needs to consider the format that they will use. Indenting always make points stand out. It is also a good idea to capitalize all headings and use boldface type.

How To Write A Resume – Conclusion

The final step is to review your final draft before you hit the print button. This will allow for another review of the content and to assure that there are no typos. Makes sure to check for all necessary job references and experience and any special talents that one may have. When ready, the resume is prepared to be printed. The individual can choose to print a single copy and Xerox it, or many copies for multiple job applications. Following these steps will make learning how to write a resume quick and simple.

How To Write A Cover Letter For A Resume

Looking for a new job rather you are out of work or just changing jobs you will need to learn how to write a cover letter for a resume. Many people do not know what to write in a cover letter, or why they even need to write one if they have a resume. Numerous people believe a cover letter is your way of introducing the resume. More often than not, the reviewer will first look through the resume than read the cover letter. However, a cover letter is just more important if not more than the resume.

How To Write A Cover Letter For A Resume

Cover letters are very important part to your resume and the process of sending them out. Rather they chose to look at the cover letter first or the resume either they will both be read. The difference in how the cover letter will be used is entirely up to who reviews them. When writing the cover letter keep in mind the cover letter needs to demonstrate that you meet or above the requirements for the job. You should also make sure that it shows how interested you are in the job offered. Be careful while learning how to write a cover letter for a resume, that you do not make an autobiography out of it. By putting too much on a cover letter, you can be making it counterproductive. The core reason you have a cover letter is the resume.

When you learn how to write a cover letter for a resume, avoid negative terms. As a cover letter is not an explanation of how bad, the last company or management was. If you do this with your cover letter, you have probably just lost a good job over a bad sentence. If the company you are applying for has any questions they will ask you in the interview, so do not put negative innuendos about anything in the cover letter. This is not how to write a cover letter.

Try avoiding any history as in salary or money talk as you may write what you are making at your current job, yet this new job your writing your cover letter for might be offering a larger sum of money than what you make now. What this means for you is a company reading the lower salary you make, and possibly lowering their larger salary because you already showed them what value, you believe your worth. Spend time thinking about the way you want your layout on the cover letter as well. This is easy all you should make sure of is that it is fast and easy on the eyes. Do not add different colors, use black in, proper paper, and not crazy fonts. Do not ruin the chance of getting the job by believing these things will make it prettier, or more their style. This is not what they want to see or how to write a cover letter for a resume.

How To Write A Cover Letter For A Resume – Conclusion

Your cover letter is not a summary of your resume. Therefore, this means do not add your resume to the cover letter, or even worse do not put on the resume, “Please see cover letter”. This is not for a resume summary, and if you put anything like that on the cover letter, you are summarizing your resume onto the cover. While learning how to write a cover letter for a resume be sure and make it professional.